Training Equipment: PLC Training Kit
Featured: Allen Bradley Micro800 PLC Training Kit
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AB Micro 800 PLC Training Kit
Model: M07-309K-M800-0001
Description: Micro 800 PLC Training Kit. It uses the Micro820 PLC and Allen-Bradley's free CCW software to connect with it. These PLC trainers are great for learning and practicing your PLC programming.
This PLC Training kit is the new standard educational equipment manufacturing training and for the individual.
Everything you need is in this PLC Training Kit. Learners use the Allen-Bradley PLC Trainer for PLC programming training and projects. We sell the PLC Training Kit to schools, corporations, and governments. They get the same discounted price as individuals. We sell this equipment at a cost and do not profit from the sale. We offer this trainer to support our existing customers and others who may need it.
Note: You should take the PLC Programming Basics Course before using PLC training equipment.
2080-LC20-20QWB Controller, 12 24V DC Inputs, 4 configurable analog inputs with thermistor voltage reference out, 7 Relay Output, 1 Analog Output, Embedded Ethernet Port, and RS-232/485 non-isolated Serial port, Embedded RTC, MicroSD Card support, 2 Plug-In slots, also has PID Loop control capabilities.
Includes ...
1 Allen Bradley Micro820 PLC 2080-LC20-20QWB Ethernet I/P Controller
1 Training Module
4 discrete inputs pre-wired (8 spares)
4 discrete outputs pre-wired (3 spares)
1 analog input pre-wired (3 spares)
1 analog output pre-wired
1 Power switch
1 Programming Cable
1 Ethernet cable
1 Power Supply
Allen Bradley provides PLC Training videos, manual and sample programs for this Micro 800 series controller.
We also recommend that you use an Ethernet switch or router
Note: The Micro 800 series controllers are almost Nano PACs (Process Automation Controllers). They support 3 of the 5 IEC 61131-3 programming languages. Those are Ladder Diagram, Function Block, and Structured Text. As the PLC trainer supports ladder logic, it is excellent for learning PLC basics. We refer to it as a PLC Training Kit because it lacks the multitasking capability of a PAC. The CCW PLC programming environment is like the PAC environment. It uses tags and has Structured Text capabilities. AB provides many free training videos and the PLC manual for their CCW software. Features include a toolbox to drag and drop contacts. Also, a variable selector box (tag table) assigns memory addresses. So, that is extra free PLC training material from AB that students can access.

We recommend taking our PLC Programming Basics Course before using the Micro 800 PLC training kit. You would be better prepared if you took our PAC introduction course before using this. Allen-Bradley's free Connected Components Workbench Software (CCW) programs this PLC. It also has an HMI programming component. You could benefit even more by taking our intro course on HMI programming. We mention this because all the PLC training courses are bundled together. You can save 30%+ by thinking ahead. (See PLC Technician training bundle)
Michael Heiser -Industrial Electrician at Schreiber Foods: " Don, I thought I would message you and let you know that I enjoyed using your products. I set up a BIN Allen-Bradley trainer, and a Siemens trainer for one of my instructors during my apprenticeship. They are very easy to set up and operate, and good quality. My instructor was happy with them as well. Thought you would like to know! "
All orders are shipped USPS Priority or Express mail; no PO boxes are allowed as the PLC equipment can be larger than the mailbox. 4.00 LBS
(After purchase with the 'Add to Cart' button below, you will receive a confirmation and tracking email within 24 hours.)
Price: US$439.00
(USA Delivery Only)
Shipping cost is included in the price above. Price shown is the total cost delivered.
The preferred level of hands-on PLC training is by companies ordering our Onsite PLC training. However, if your schedule or budget does not allow instructor-based PLC training solutions, this training kit will provide hands-on experience.
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