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For risk management you need to understand fault tree analysis (FTA).


Fault Tree Analysis eBook

Revised - By Ian Sutton

FTA - risk management tool



Fault Tree Analysis eBook
ESBN: C60-802C-2c45-72D1

For risk management and assessment you need a good understanding of Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). Fault tree analysis is also the tool for discovering product failure, engineering failure and the common human error causes.


This 49 page eBook provides a complete, clear and thorough description of Fault Tree Analysis. The development of a tree is explained, along with a thorough description as to how the tree can then be quantified. The eBook describes how to carry out an analysis, and how to build a Fault Tree from the top down. The major elements (Gates and Events) are described. A single worked example is used to illustrate points as they are introduced. The eBook explains topics such as:


  • Quantification
  • Risk ranking
  • Selecting the 'Important Few' and ignoring the 'Unimportant Many'
  • Follow the 'Path of the Greatest Resistance'
  • The importance of identifying the common cause events

Generic examples are provided for both Safety and Reliability cases.

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Price:  US$19.95 (49 pages)


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Fault Tree Analysis Samples:


risk assessment with your fault tree software

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Fault Tree Analysis Table of Contents:

Worked Example
   Frequency Rate
   Predicted Frequency Rate
   Failure / Fault 
Top-Down Development
1. Define the Top Event
2. Determine the Consequence of the Hazard
3. Create the Fault Tree
     Intermediate Events
     Base Events
     OR Gate
     AND Gate
     Voting Gate
     Example Tree
4. Identify the Cut Sets
   1. Eliminate Repeat Sets
   2. Eliminate Repeat Events in a Set
   3. Eliminate Redundant Events
5. Quantify
   Mathematics of an OR Gate
   Mathematics of an AND Gate
   Mathematics of a Voting Gate
   Cut Set Quantification
6. Risk Rank
   The Pareto Principle
   Data Quality
   Event Contribution
   Important Few
   Unimportant Many
   Power of the AND Gate
   Importance Equalization
Common Cause Effects
   Human Error
Reducing Risk
   Path of Greatest Resistance
   Cost-Benefit Analysis
Generic Trees
   Generic Safety Tree
     Top Event
     Initiating Event
     Failure of the Safe guard(s)
     Persons Present
   Generic Reliability Tree
     Generic Failures
     External Events
     Equipment by Area or Function
Discussion of the Method
Qualitative Analysis

Figure 1   Sketch of Example
Figure 2   Top Event
Figure 3   OR Gate
Figure 4   Example of the Use of an OR Gate
Figure 5   AND Gate
Figure 6   Fire Triangle 
Figure 7   Safety Fault Tree
Figure 8   Voting Gate
Figure 9   First Level OR Gate
Figure 10  Use of the AND Gate
Figure 11  Final Fault Tree (Page 1)
Figure 12  Final Fault Tree (Page 2)
Figure 13  2003 Voting Gate Breakdown
Figure 14  Risk Ranking
Figure 15  Spare Pump System
Figure 16  Spare Pump System with Common Cause Effect
Figure 17  Generic Safety Tree
Figure 18  Generic Safety Tree Development
Figure 19  Generic Reliability Tree

Price:  US$19.95


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