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Risk assessment and process safety management eBook

Process Hazards Analysis

By Ian Sutton


This 310 page manual is a great enterprise risk management tool related to HAZOP study and process FMEA.


Asset maintenance management methods


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Process Hazards Analysis EBook
ESBN: C60-802C-2c45-72D2

Process Hazards Analyses (PHAs) are an integral part of any process safety program. If you cannot identify hazards then you can nether remove them nor mitigate against them. This book describes in detail how to run a Process Hazards Analysis, and how to effectively identify hazards. The book focuses on real-world issues such as the role of the leader, team selection,  writing the final report, quantification of risk, and follow-up to findings.

Quotations and topics raised in the book include the following:


  • A PHA leader "comforts the afflicted but afflicts the comfortable"
  • Don't confuse "common cause" with "root cause"
  • If it's not there, it can't leak
  • Deciding whether to focus on high risk or on high consequence hazards
  • The importance of MAWP values
  • Distinguish between Findings, Recommendations and Action Items


hazop Chemical HazardThis book has been reviewed by the authoritative journal Chemical Engineering. A copy of that review (.Chemical Hazards PDF file, one page) is available.

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Price:  US$65.00  US$ 59.99


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Table of Contents

Chapter 1
Process Hazards Analysis Basics

      Historical Review
      Elements of a PHA
      Intentional Error
      Process Safety Management
   Standard Worked Example        
   Safe Operating Limits      
      Maximum Allowable Working Pressure
      PHA Team Estimate
`      Unsafe Mixing Scenarios      
      Materials of Construction Matrix       
      Components of Risk      
      Subjective Nature of Risk
      Experience of Events
      Quantifying Risk
   Risk Matrices       
      Consequence Matrix       
      Frequency Matrix       
      Risk Matrix       
   Hazard Identification     
      Extrapolation Of Experience     
      Creative Thinking     
      Checklists And Standards     
      Formal Logic Analysis        
      Defining A Safeguard
      Levels Of Protection
   Occupational Safety
   PHA Techniques       
      Hazard And Operability Method (HAZOP)     
      What-If Method      
      What-If/Checklist Method        
      Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (FMEA)    
      Fault Tree Analysis                
      Other Appropriate Methods
   Major Hazards Screening      
   Design PHAs        
      Leading a Design PHA
      Sequence of PHAs
      Conceptual Design         
      Preliminary Design     
      Final Design     
      Pre-startup Safety Review
      Management of Change        
      Decommissioning / Demolition    
      Insurance PHA
   Strengths And Limitations of PHAs  
      Strengths of PHAs      
      Limitations of PHAs         
   Non-Process Applications


Chapter 2
Organization Of A PHA

   Client / Customer
      Senior Management
      Plant Manager
   Steering Committee
   Corporate Guidance      
   Project Manager
   The PHA Team      
      Operations Personnel
      Process Engineers
      Mechanical/Maintenance/Instrument Personnel
   Alternative Team Approaches       
   PHA Preparation        
      1. Issue a Charge Letter      
      2. Issue Documentation       
      3. Choose a Meeting Room      
      4. Select Computer System    
      5. Establish The Meeting Rules  
      6. Kick-Off Meeting        
   Steps Of A PHA        
      1. Node Selection and Definition    
      2. Process Guideword / Safe Limits      
      3. Identification of Hazards and their Causes    
      4. "Announcement" of the Hazard   
      5. Identification of Safeguards  
      6. Hazard Consequences    
      7. Predicted Frequency of Hazard      
      8. Risk Ranking         
      9. Findings        
      10. Next Process Guideword / Node
   Shorter PHAs


Chapter 3
Hazard And Operability Method: HAZOP

   Mechanics of a HAZOP     
      Node Selection       
      Process Guidewords       
      Deviation Guidewords       
      Team Discussion     
   Common Issues
      Loss Of Containment
      Reference Previous Nodes     
      High Flow
      Low/No Flow
      Reverse Flow
      High Pressure
      High Temperature
      High Level
   Batch Processes     

Chapter 4
What-If Method

   Node Review     
   Equipment and Function Review 
   What-If for Batch Processes     
   Operating Procedures What-If
   Common Scenarios       
      Reverse Flow to a Utility Header    
      Survivability of Utilities
      Distributed Control Systems       
      Water in Hot Liquid         
      Blocked-In Pump     
      External Fire      
      Multiple Uses of Equipment     
      Critical Control Valves in Manual     
      Fail Safe Positions
      Check Valve Reliability     
      Heat Exchanger Tube Failure     
      Blocked-In Relief Systems       
      Pressure in Relief Headers       
      Overload of Overhead Vacuum Lines  
      Underground Piping


Chapter 5
Checklist and FMEA

   Checklist Method        
      Checklist Structure
      Checklist Format    
      Checklist Questions     
   Failure Modes And Effects Analysis (FMEA)    
      The FMEA Technique
      Organization of an FMEA      
      Failure Modes     

Chapter 6
Fault Tree Analysis

   Fault Tree Development
      Top Event      
      Failure / Fault
      OR Gate
      Top Event OR Gate
      Intermediate Events
      AND Gate       
      Base Events
      Voting Gate
   Static Model
   Cut Sets
      OR Gate
      AND Gate
      Voting Gate
      Cut Sets
   Risk Ranking
      The Pareto Principle
      Data Quality
      Event Contribution
   Common Cause Effects
   Generic Fault Trees     
      Generic Safety Fault Tree
      Generic Reliability Fault Tree
   Discussion of the Fault Tree Method
   Qualitative Fault Tree


Chapter 7
Reporting and Follow-Up

   Attributes of a Good PHA Report     
      Positive Attitude
   Reporting Organization
   Reporting Process       
      1. Notes Clean-Up
      2. Team Review
      3. Draft Report
      4. Client Review
      5. Final Report
      6. Follow-Up
   Report Structure
      A. Disclaimer
      B. Summary of Findings
      C. Objective of The PHA
      D. Regulatory Issues
      E. Method Used
      F. The Team
      G. Risk Ranking Technique
      H. Findings and Action Items
      I. Links to the PSM Program
      J. PHA Notes
      K & L. Attachments and References
   Report Distribution
   Shorter PHAs
   Writing Guidelines      
      Minimalist Writing     
      Language Style       
      Findings Terminology       
      Writing Quality    
   Report Template
   Findings Management
      1. Create Recommendation(s)
      2. Implement
      3. Close Finding


Chapter 8
Regulations, Standards and Legal Issues
   The OSHA Regulation     
   OSHA Guidance      
   Analysis Of The Regulation     
   Human Factors
      Error Following an Emergency
   EPA Risk Management Program (RMP)
      Tiering / Program Levels
      Covered Chemicals
      Formal Management System
      Community Participation
      Emergency Plan
      Five-Year Accident History
   Legal Issues     
      Follow Up to Findings
      Communication with the Public
      Internal Communication
      Letter of Certification       


Chapter 9
Process Safety Management

   Definition Of Process Safety Management
   Process Safety Management Principles
   Process Safety Management Elements
      Element #1 - Employee Participation       
      Element #2 - Process Safety Information       
      Element #3 - Process Hazards Analysis
      Element #4 - Operating Procedures
      Element #5 - Training
      Element #6 - Contractors
      Element #7 - Pre-startup Safety Review
      Element #8 - Mechanical Integrity
      Element #9 - Hot Work        
      Element #10 - Management Of Change        
      Element #11 - Incident Investigation
      Element #12 - Emergency Planning And Response
      Element #13 - Compliance Audits
      Element #14 - Trade Secrets
   Revalidating PHAs
   Future PHAs
      Computer Control
      Industry Standards
      Reliability And Quality
      Risk Based Techniques
      Other Industries
      Malicious Acts

Price:  US$65.00  US$ 59.99


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