RSLinx Simulator

Section 4: RSLinx -Add Communication Driver

RSLinx Congigure Driver

This is not currently available in the RSLinx Simulator, it will be in future lessons.

Click the drop-down arrow to choose the appropriate driver. Check your documentation to determine which methods of communications you are using. This demonstration will use the RS-232 DF1 Devices.
Next is to configure the communication protocols. In the software, you can set these manually, or use "Auto-Configure". For this introductory lesson, click the "Auto-Configure" button and see it in action.
Driver Name: -1

This is not currently available in the RSLinx Simulator, it will be in future lessons.

RSLogix 5000 Course Sim
RSLinx: Comm Driver Badge

After clicking the Configure Communication Hardware icon  configure RSLinx drivers on RSLinx tool bar, you would see the dialog box shown above.

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