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Using the Best Online Resources to Find A Job

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The best US Government online resources to help the job seeker find a job, and more.

Best jobs 2021 online resources to find a job

This article outlines some of the best US Government online resources to help job seekers find a job. While the article is focused on specific tools to contact employing companies, the other great tools on CareerInfoNet.org and CareerOneStop.org should not be overlooked. The premise of those two US Government sites is to provide tools to broaden the job seekers' choices for employment. From skill assessment, and cross-industry analysis of where the job seekers' skills are most needed, to additional training needs and resources, and locating employing companies within applicable industries.


You can use the "Find a job" tool by careeronestop.org to determine the potential for the transfer of skills to other firms in the same industry. With the employer locator tool, the job seeker can filter results starting with industry type and all the way down to the preferred city. Selecting "paper manufacturing" in the Missouri St. Louis region, the employer locator resulted in 20 jobs located in the St. Louis region of Missouri. Although two employing companies per city were the average cities across Missouri, St. Louis city itself had 48 employing companies, with outskirt cities having 4-8 employing companies.


Selecting the 48 paper manufacturing companies in St. Louis, the employer locator tool further narrowed the USA job search by categorizing by 40 "converted paper manufacturers" and 8 "pulp paper manufacturers". Selecting the 40 converted paper manufacturers resulted in a list of links to each of the 40 converting companies, for detailed information.

In summary, our example usa job search above was ...


State - Missouri 
Region - St. Louis, Mo-Il USA
city - Saint Louis 
Industry sector - manufacturing 
Industry subsector - paper manufacturing 
Industry group - converted paper product manufacturing


Also, be sure to use the employer locator tool to search by occupation too. (Think 'out of the box' and outside any particular industry.) Example of occupational USA job search below ...


State - Missouri
Region - St. Louis, Mo-Il USA
City - Saint Louis
Occupation - maintenance workers, machinery
Industry group - plastics product manufacturing


One last employer locator tool USA job search to help the job seeker think out of the box, search by keyword. For example, entering "electrician" will result in a list of occupations that utilize the electrician skill set, further helping the job seeker realize a vertical industry they may not have searched for a job in yet.


Selecting a company results in the company's employer contact, address, phone, internet address, and other company information from infousa, but an email address is not returned for the company employer contact. The job seeker will need to call the company and ask if there are any openings in their area of expertise. When calling a company, start by asking the name of the person in charge of a particular department to find out job possibilities in that department. First, before calling, visit the company website, so more knowledge about the company and opportunities can be obtained. Some employing companies provide more specific employer contact information and/or career areas on their website, but always call even if a resume was submitted via their company website because talking to a live person has a higher success rate.


Another great resource for finding relative employing companies in an individual's area of expertise is LinkedIn. It is actually better for finding an inside employer contact for a company than the above government resources. I was following one person's comments on LinkedIn where the individual found a job where one originally did not exist. He called, talked the employer contact into meeting with him, and the company employer contact was so impressed, that he tried him out on a contractor basis until business picked up, and he could hire him full time.

  • checking company websites first is a great idea!

  • calling the company is even more important!

  • meeting in person gives the job seeker the best chance!


Also remember that it is a statistical fact: the more training the job seeker gets, the better their chances to be employed and the more pay they will make. So if the job seeker can not afford the time or money for 6 months, 2 years, or longer course, there are alternatives. the job seeker should seek out Certificate Courses to build up their resume while trying to find a job.


Are you a Veteran? Then you must see our Veterans of Veterans Jobs page
Hope this helps.

Don Fitchett  - Business Industrial Network  (BIN) - BIN95.com

About the Author: Don Fitchett founded the activity-based costing system called "True Downtime Cost" (TDC), authored books and speaks at conventions on the topic, and is president of BIN. Don has been in the industrial training sector for over two decades, setting up training programs around the world, and still conducts training seminars to this day.

Business Industrial Network delivers instructor based industrial training as well as software and on-line industrial training.


(You ma copy and distribute this article as long as all credits, including this paragraph, are included and all links are active and distribution is not for profit. you may reference portions of this article as long as an active link back to the original article webpage at bin95.com is present. Otherwise, this material is copyright protected.)


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