Individualized Transition Plan (ITP) Test 

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Individualized Transition Plan (ITP) Assessment


Individualized Transition Plan (ITP) :

Here is an Individual Transition Plan (ITP) test for local educational agencies (LEAs, SELPAs, CoEs, and school districts).



Individualized Transition Plan (ITP) test details:

( 10 Questions )


ITP test for local educational agencies (LEAs, SELPAs, CoEs, and school districts). An Individual Transition Plan (ITP) is a document created as part of the Individualized Education Program(IEP) to prepare a student for life after high school. This test serves as a reminder for Local Education Agencies, Special Education Local Plan Areas, Centers of Excellence (CoE), and school districts. Transition services are in the 800 Service Codes, e.g., 820 College awareness or 840 Career awareness. The service is listed on the first page of the Transition plan and then detailed on the Services page of the IEP. The details include the Service Provider, Location, Dates of Service, Frequency, and Duration. The service must be on the Transition Plan and Services page to be correctly documented. CASEMIS errors and warnings come from the 2nd page of the Transition plan. 8 questions must be answered either yes or no regarding various aspects of the Transition plan on the IEP. (Question 8 may also be answered as N/A if it does not apply to the student.) Suppose any of these questions still need to be answered. In that case, it will cause a CASEMIS error for students 16 and older or a CASEMIS warning for 15-year-old students. They are corrected by answering the blank question(s) appropriately. When our CASEMIS data is submitted to CDE, further analysis is done on specific fields to look for areas of non-compliance. The student is found non-compliant if any of the eight questions are answered with a "no" response or questions are not addressed. The district has to analyze why it was non-compliant and what needs to be done to correct it. There is a search in SEIS that is run to find students who are 16 years of age or older who do not have any 800-level transition services on their Services page. Suppose your student does not have any 800-level services. In that case, you may get a notification from your CASEMIS person that this needs to be corrected. Transition services MUST be listed as services, as well as the other Special Ed services your student receives. They cannot stand alone; there must be other services listed with them, and they cannot be listed under ESY services. ESY services do not count for CASEMIS reporting.



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