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UPS Industrial Battery Life Extension

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By Power Protect


UPS industrial manufacturing
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An Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) is a perfect solution that is used in industries to enable continuous power supply. UPS is available in different capacities which are used by different industries depending upon its requirements and engagements. Industries are the heaviest consumers of power. The major problem which is faced by many industrial organizations is a power outage. Not only does it hampers the production, reduce the life of equipment,  increases safety risk, but also creates a bad impact on profitability. Power-based equipment is used by an organization to do both simple and complicated jobs. Therefore it is extremely important for organizations to install industrial UPS systems to avoid situations of frequent power cuts and outages.


Some of the different kinds of industrial UPS are:

  • Stand by UPS
  • Line Interactive UPS
  • Online UPS


Many UPS manufacturers also supply single-phase and three-phase UPS based on the requirement of an organization. Industrial UPS systems are used by many industries such as electrical industries, telecommunication industries, and networking industries as they enable continuous operations, avoid delays and distortions and protect the power system equipment.


Tips to extend Industrial UPS Battery Life


The UPS batteries are although efficient but are most vulnerable to failures. Proper inspection and maintenance are required for prolonged battery life. Also, from time to time battery replacement is essential to carry on the operations. Before looking to go for battery replacement, it is important to understand that what factors lead to a reduced life span of your UPS batteries.


  • Temperature: Exposing the batteries to excessive temperatures hamper the lifespan of batteries. It is to be made sure that the batteries are kept within 19-22 degrees Celsius. The ambient temperature is 25°C.
  • Cyclic life: The relative capacity of the battery is affected each time a battery completed a cycle i.e. when it is charged and discharged once.
  • Lack of regular maintenance: When the battery is not monitored and maintained at regular intervals it may lead to reduced protection.


Implementation of proper remedies ensures that the batteries are prevented from environmental damage. Some useful tips can help your UPS battery to work for a long time.


  • Proper placement of batteries at an ambient temperature of 25°C. Also, it is important that the batteries are not exposed to moisture and poor ventilation.
  • UPS manufacturers must also pay attention to conducting regular UPS battery monitoring and maintenance.
  • Storing the substitute batteries properly and charging them at regular intervals is also important to make the battery run over a long period.
  • Installation errors are common for batteries. UPS manufacturers must take care of the proper installation techniques.


As power outage is the major obstruction for industries, it is imperative to adopt industrial UPS systems in the industries to promote successful operations of any industry.


Have a look at the infographic below by Power Protect which gives some useful tips to extend UPS battery life ...


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ups industrial manufacturing infographic