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Technical, Vocational Education vs. Vocational Training

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Difference between Technical Vocational Education and Vocational Training #TVET


examples of vocational training
Examples of vocational training


The “vocational” part of your question is easy, it just means ‘having to do with one’s vocation’ (job). So your real question is …


 “What Is the difference between education and training?”


Although providers blur the meaning by mostly using the word “training”, when really all they are providing is “education”. (It is a sales thing. "Training" is and should be perceived as more/better than just “education”. Although both are necessary. ) Read my definitions below to understand better.




To see an example of the various metrics effected by different educational/training delivery methods, see the chart at PLC Technician Training


As well as providers blurring the line using the words “training” and “education” interchangeably, technology is blurring the lines in a different (I’d say positive) way. Old school thought was training can only come from instructor based training. (The instructor addressing specific learning styles of each student, adjusting content and approach accordingly as well as constant evaluation and adaptation) Now with computer processing power where it is, training programs like How to troubleshoot | Troubleshooting Industrial Controls exist that use computer real-world simulation and analysis to actually train, not just teach, and constantly evaluate while providing feedback to Student/Employee (customer) so they can adapt correctly.


So where old-school Computer Based Training Training software Course was really computer-based education. (presented audio/visual for one to remember long enough to answer text-based questions. (Like DuPont/Coastal computer-based courses.) The training software course industry is starting to evolve into actual training, not just education, using real-world simulations and interactivity. Not just clicking the next button to read the next page. ( Real-world actual training like’s DDistance Learning Courses (software, videos, and online), for #Maintenance, #Engineering and #Industrial Management or like Lincoln’s Welding simulation software.)



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TOPICS: Vocational education, vocational training, vocational education and training (VET), vocational definition, vocational meaning. This article explains the benefits of vocational education and training with examples of vocational training courses. It includes vocational education meaning, types of vocational training, vocational training definition, to better illustrate the importance of vocational education.

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What is a vocational education?

What is a vocational training?

What is technical education and vocational training? (TVET)

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What is the meaning of vocational training?


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