PLC Source Sink Study Cards
Study each of the 7 PLC Source Sink training Cards.
This interactive "PLC Source Sink Slideshow" has 30 second delay on each card so you can study. So even after narration, the card may stay visible for a few more seconds.
Each PLC Source sink slide stays visible for 30 seconds to give you time to study. Use your navigation to play audio narration, tap the black dots to start over, or select one study card to study again. The start/stop links play and pause the automatic switch to the next card. Below is a link back to the PLC Source Sink Home page when you are done so you can go on to the next training interactive in the series.
PLC Source Sink Home - PLC Source Sink Slideshow - PLC Sinking Input Study - PLC Sourcing Output Study - PLC Sinking and Sourcing Game - PLC Source Sink PowerPoint - PLC Sink and Source Video - PLC Source Sink Quiz
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