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PLC Training & LogixPro PLC Simulator Software

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PLC Training and PLC Simulator Program

Training software and PLC simulator work with all Windows operating systems!


The PLC Training course software has 40+ built-in PLC simulations with RSLogix Ladder logic look and feel. This PLC course also includes analog instruction, which some other PLC training providers have overlooked. Order now and receive a free LogixPro PLC Simulator program; it is an RSLogix logic simulator!


PLC Simulator Software: Logixpro PLC simulator is an ideal tool for practicing the fundamentals of RSLogix ladder logic programming after the student learns the basics with our PLC training course software. The look, feel, and operation of the ladder rung editor so closely mimic Allen Bradley software that one may need a second look to be sure whose ladder logic editor they are using. Especially if the student currently owns a copy of RSLogix 500, as they can open it from within the PLC Training course software.



PLC Training emulator

The PLC Training simulations within our course and the PLC Simulator allow the learner to apply the knowledge gained in the course without the expense of purchasing an  RSLogix 500 or even a PLC. With these two software programs, the student/employee has everything they need to complete this course.




If your equipment has any of the following: MicroLogix 1000, SLC 500, and PLC 5 PLC model numbers, the student/employee can benefit even more from this training. (all series 1747, 1771, and 1761)




PLC Training Course Outline:



  • Introduction to PLCs
  • Input/Output Modules
  • Safety Circuit
  • PLC Processors
  • Numbering Systems & Codes
  • Basic Programming
  • Timer Instructions
  • Counter Instructions
  • Program Control Instructions
  • Data Manipulation
  • Math Functions
  • Shift Registers & Sequencers
  • Analog Inputs & Outputs
  • Networks
  • Human Machine Interfaces
  • Trouble Shooting
  • 179 page Lab Manual
  • The ability to open RSLogix or LogixPro within the software.
  • Book Marking
  • Password Protected Student Log File
  • Glossary
  • Trouble Shooting Flow Chart
  • Video Animations, 40+ PLC simulations built in.
  • Internet PLC Resources included.
  • Compatible with all Windows OS!
PLC Training manual PDF for plc simulator program

This PLC training software course also includes a PLC PDF Workbook that the student can print out. The PLC training workbook has many proven practical applications that allow the student to work through the PLC's instruction set and gain a better understanding. The workbook is an additional teaching tool for instructors purchasing Site and Enterprise licenses. However, the single student license also has access, so it can be optional study material, even though it is not required to take the course and earn the certificate.




Mike Smith - Instructor - Francis Tuttle Tech Center

"I purchased the PLC Trainer [Multi-user Site License] software after seeing it being used in training classes at Bama Foods in Tulsa. The engineering manager said they searched the Web for PLC training software and found Koldwater Industrial Technology [a subsidiary of BIN95]. My students really like to use the software to help them understand the book we use. After using the PLC trainer, I purchased the LogixPro PLC simulator. It is excellent! It allows you to experiment with the programs at home. My students are really enjoying the ability to try out programs before they input them on the real PLC's. Any time I have emailed questions, I received a reply almost immediately! This is a great company with which to do business. Thanks for supporting the educational community!"



Within 24 hours of placing the order, you will receive an email with a download link, activation information, or tracking information if the order is shipped.


License Type





Order a Single Student License above, or order unlimited students/installs per physical site with the Site License.


For unlimited physical site licenses (locations), please Request a Quote for the Enterprise License.






Below are a couple of samples from the PLC training course. They are screen recordings of the student using a couple of interactive simulations as the built-in course narration plays. We then added some minor extra highlighting in videos to make them both training videos. But, they show some interactive simulations built into the course software. Below them will be more examples.



PLC Safety Demo Video


PLC Safety Simulator demo video

PLC Analog I/O Demo Video


PLC Analog IO Simulator demo video



PLC Simulations:



Below is a screen recording of the student using the 'configuring communication' simulation in the LogixTrainer part of this course. Allen Bradley PLC programming software communicates with their software called RSLinx, as shown in the screen recording below. In this built-in course simulation, the student clicks on and types in the simulator below. It looks and feels like actual Allen Bradley RSLogix/RSLinx software but is just a simulator built into the course software that is simulating AB/Rockwell PLC software for the student. It is one more example of the forty-plus PLC simulations built into this course software. That is in addition to the PLC simulator software currently being provided for free with this purchase.


PLC communication

You can only work with a PLC if you know how to communicate with it, so the course has that training covered.



PLC course screenshots and PLC simulations ...


(Click pictures to zoom in or see screen recordings of students using interactive PLC simulations included in the PLC training certificate course.)


ladder logic simulator   fifo Allen Bradley training   learning ladder logic

Allen Bradley software

  500 rslogix   BCD code   Allen Bradley slc 500   learning ladder logic



LogixPro PLC Simulator


(Click pictures to zoom in or see screen recordings of students using interactive PLC simulations in the LogixPro PLC Simulator included free with this course.)


  Logixpro PLC simulator   learning ladder logic


  Logixpro PLC simulator   learning ladder logic


  Logixpro PLC simulator   learning ladder logic


More screenshots from the LogixPro PLC simulator are in this PLC PDF.



Note: The LogixPro PLC simulator included with this PLC course is a free extra.


LogixPro is not required to take or pass the course. It is an extra we provide for free to give the students more hands-on experience.


Site and Enterprise License purchaser will receive 10 PC licenses for LogixPro simulator software with the PLC Course Site or Enterprise license.







Within 24 hours of placing the order, you will receive an email with a download link, activation information, or tracking information if the order is shipped.


License Type





Order a Single Student Licensed above, or order unlimited students/installs per physical site with the Site License.


For unlimited physical site licenses (locations), please Request a Quote for the Enterprise License.






If you need to learn more about hardware, cables, and setting up drivers, please see our training video AB PLC Cables & Drivers.


NOTE: The simulator software described on this page is excellent for practicing PLC programming. To learn and practice PLC troubleshooting, see our Troubleshooting PLC Control Circuits training software.




Learning Path:

We recommend:

1st    Electrical Motor and Controls Course


2nd    PLC Basics (the page you are on now)


3rd     Electrical and PLC Troubleshooting


4th     HMI Basics


5th     PAC - Controllogix and RSLogix 5000


6th     Online PLC Structured Text Programming Basics Course


7th     SCADA Basics



The products on this page are part of the "Automation Technician's bundle".

Related Titles: 

  Automation Technician's bundle (Save 32%)

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