Industrial Maintenance Training Online
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Unique industrial maintenance training online courses with certificate of completion.
Notice: These industrial maintenance courses are also available in download or USB drive format that does not require internet access.
The industrial online maintenance training course pricing below is only for single-user/ online versions. An individual has access for 60 days after purchase. Within 24 hours after ordering, you will receive an email with login details for the online industrial maintenance training you purchased.
The online maintenance training courses below take about 40 hours to complete. Those maintenance personnel and engineers with experience on the job may complete some of them in 24 hours.

HVAC Training Online. In-depth coverage Refrigeration - Air Conditioning Basics. Gain a complete understanding of the refrigeration cycle and air conditioning cycle as well as air conditioning basics in this refrigeration course. Extensive 2D / 3D Graphics, Models and Animations. Skill tests, Certificate emailed.
[See HVAC Training for alternate delivery methods and details]
60 Days online access, $49 per user.

Hydraulics Training Online. In-depth coverage on Hydraulic-principles. Detailed description of components, symbols, piping, valves, etc.. Build-up of a hydraulic circuit with two jobs. Extensive 2D / 3D Graphics, Models and Animations. Skill tests, Certificate emailed.
[See Hydraulics Training for alternate delivery methods and details]
60 Days online access, $49 per user.

Gas and Air Compressor Training Course Online. Compressor basics and types. Various Industrial compressors described. Detailed coverage on Reciprocating, Centrifugal & Screw compressors. Extensive 2D / 3D Graphics, Models and Animations. Skill tests, Certificate emailed.
[See Compressor Training for alternate delivery methods and details]
60 Days online access, $49 per user.

Basics & Principles of Centrifugal Pump online course. Detailed understanding of API - 610 types of pumps. Extensive 2D / 3D Graphics, Models and Animations. An Interactive, Graphically supported Troubleshooting Guide. Glossary, Games on Component Assembly, Skill tests, Certificate emailed.
[See Centrifugal Pumps Training for alternate delivery methods and details]
60 Days online access, $49 per user.

Positive Displacement Pumps Training online. Wide range of Pumps covered. Pumps categorized and described by their Industrial Service. Extensive 2D / 3D Graphics, Models and Animations. An Interactive, Graphically supported Troubleshooting Guide. Skill tests, Certificate emailed.
[See Positive Displacement Pumps Training for alternate delivery methods and details]
60 Days online access, $49 per user.

Condition Based Maintenance Training Course Online. Understanding CBM, Life cycle patterns, Potential / Functional failure, etc. Vibration Monitoring covered in explicit detail with Graphics & Animations. Detailed coverage on Tribology and Thermography. Skill tests, Certificate emailed.
[See CBM Training for alternate delivery methods and details]
60 Days online access, $49 per user.

Online Alignment Practices Training Course. Alignment basics, Accessories and Various Methods covered. Latest techniques like Laser Alignment. Powerful Alignment Tool using Reverse Peripheral Method. Extensive Graphics, Animations, Skill tests, Certificate emailed.
[See Alignment Training for alternate delivery methods and details]
60 Days online access, $49 per user.

Oil Exploration and Production Training Online. Explains the Oil Exploration & Production process. Includes Reservoirs, Drilling, Casing types, Completion, Reservoir drives, Artificial lifting, Additional recovery, etc. Extensive 2D / 3D Graphics, Models and Animations. Skill tests, Certificate emailed.
See Oil Production Training for alternate delivery methods and details]
60 Days online access, $49 per user.

Industrial Valve Maintenance Training Course Online. Introduction, Classification of wide range of Valves covered. Extensive 2D / 3D Graphics, Models and Animations. Detailed coverage on Working, Dismantling, Assembly, etc. Games on Component Assembly, Skill tests, Certificate emailed.
[See Valve Training for alternate delivery methods and details]
60 Days online access, $49 per user.

Heat Exchanger Training, online course. Popular Exchangers like 'Shell and Tube' covered in great detail. Extensive 2D / 3D Graphics, Models and Animations. A game on TEMA selection! Around 250 Exchangers can be assembled. Glossary, Skill tests, Certificate emailed.
[See Heat Exchanger Training for alternate delivery methods and details]
60 Days online access, $49 per user.

Online Steam Turbine Maintenance Training Course. Basics & principles of turbine & governing systems and individual components. Extensive 2D / 3D Graphics, Models and Animations. Game on Component Assembly, Skill tests, Certificate emailed.
[See Steam Turbine Training for alternate delivery methods and details]
60 Days online access, $49 per user.

Distillation Training Course Online. Vapor-Liquid Equilibria and related principles covered in detail. Various Distillation Practices described. Detailed coverage on Fractionation Equipment & Operation. Included: 2D / 3D Graphics, Models & Animations. Skill tests, Certificate emailed.
[See Distillation Training for alternate delivery methods and details]
60 Days online access, $49 per user.

Mechanical Seal Training Online: Extensive coverage of Seal Designs, Arrangements, etc. API-682, Types, Arrangements and Plans. 2D / 3D graphics, models and animations. An Interactive, Seal Selection Procedure tool (API-682 guided). Glossary, Skill tests, Certificate emailed.
[See Mechanical Seal Training for alternate delivery methods and details]
60 Days online access, $49 per user.